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🛝 Playground

In this section we'll create an API key and use it to render a video with ZapCap. For this task we'll be using a shared postman collection.

If you haven't already, you can retrieve your API key from the ZapCap dashboard. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for a free account which comes with 3 minutes of rendering and transcription credits.

Click this Run in Postman button to get started:

Run In Postman

  1. When prompted to fork the collection, click the "Fork Collection" button and follow the prompts until you get to the Postman Collections page.
  2. Go to the Environments tab and choose ZapCap Prod. In the apiKey field, paste your API key you retrieved from the ZapCap dashboard.
  3. On the top right corner change the environment to ZapCap Prod.
  4. Go to the Collections tab again
  5. Now, you can execute any of the requests in the ZapCap API Basic Usage collection
  6. Execute the Get Templates request to get a list of available templates and choose your favourite. Copy the id of the template you want to use.
  7. Execute the Upload Video request to upload your video. In the Body tab, next to the file field, click the "Choose File" button and select your video file. We recommend testing with a small video file to keep processing times low.
  8. Execute the Create Video Task request to create a video task.
  9. Execute the Get Video Task request to get the status of your video task. You may need to wait up to a minute for the video to be fully processed.
  10. Once the video task is completed, you can download the transcript and final video from the downloadUrl field in the response.

That's it! You've successfully used the ZapCap API to enhance your videos with dynamic, automated subtitles.